January 1, 2004

About Us

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." -Romans 12:2

The Twelve Two Times is the journey of an American family as we build relationships, live as servants, testify truth, and serve in China. We desire to live out Romans 12:2 in our lives.

The memories from our first year in China urged us to return to share the eternal hope we have with others. The plan has been confirmed numerous times by our faithful Father, and all things have continually prepared us for the task at hand.

China is a land of change. In 2000, only 3.6% of the total population received an university education; now it is near 9%. In the 1980s, Chinese people were largely isolated from the outside world. Now there are 298 million internet users, 600 million cell phone subscribers, and Chinese travel abroad in ever-increasing numbers. In the 1980s, 80% of the population lived in the rural areas and 20% lived in the cities. Now, according to the 2010 census, the urban/rural ratio is almost 50/50. What has not changed is the need for the language of the West, English. This provides a unique opportunity to meet the needs of the people and share the hope we have.

We are excited to share this wonderful task with you and allow you to be a part of the Father’s plan to redeem those in China who have not heard, but will come to understand (Isaiah 52:15).

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Remember the CG's in all comments. Thanks for checking in on the work in China!