We had planned to take it slow during the month of October in preparation for the new baby, but we didn’t seem to slow down any at all. Maybe we are being prepared for all the going and going that comes with being new parents. Who knows.
During the first week of October we traveled 3.5 hours to watch the greatest 6 man football game ever in Happy, TX. My hometown Patriots won after Happy fumbled a kneel down in the final seconds of the game. We didn’t just travel that far to watch football, we had a baby shower in Quitaque on Saturday. We weren’t able to stay an visit as long as we had planned because we needed to get back to the Permian Basin for other events.
The next day, Sunday, we drove out to St. Lawrence for the annual Fall Festival. We played bingo and visited with friends and family. We of course picked up our share of homemade German sausage.
We took a week off from travels and spent the next weekend watching Texas Tech football on TV.
The third week, we traveled after work on Monday to Lubbock to speak at a Perspectives class about our time in China and the opportunities to serve as English teachers. We meet up with K’Lann for supper before driving back the same night. That weekend, Jeremy attended his only TTU football game of the year and watched TT get smashed while I got quite sunburned.
We continue to be busy every Tuesday night with our Perspectives class. It has been so great learning about the different ways to make His message accepted in other cultures.
And finally for Halloween, we dressed up for a dinner at Rosa’s Tortilla Factory before volunteering to work at a Fair in the Fall.

WarrenCAT Saleman and German soccer player
Lions and Tigers and Bears
Our apartment has undergone a transformation for a blah second bedroom, to one that contains lions and tigers and bears. Actually lions, a few tigers, a baby giraffe, elephant, and a few teddy bears.
The Baby’s nursery is nearing completion and is now only missing the baby. A GIANT thank you again to all who have generously given to make our baby’s arrival a smooth transition. The nursery is filled with all of the things that we need, or at least the things we think we need. We have never had to raise a child before, so we are only guessing as to what is necessary. But we are confident that you guys all know what we need and send a GIANT thank you for filling us up with necessities and advice.
I can't wait to see photos of Baby Taylor. Please let us know as soon as he arrives!!! Oh, and M'Lynn-- tell your big sister hello for me!
We will let you all know when the baby gets here. I'm sure there will be no shortage of photos.
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