October 5, 2010

White No More

After two years of debating, wishing, and waffling, we finally did it.

Our apartment walls are completely white. They're not even a slight off-white, they're white, white, white. Almost blinding white. We've added colorful paintings, Chinese scrolls, plants, and shelves, but the walls are still overwhelmingly white. Not anymore.

We found an awesome picture in a do-it-yourself magazine this summer of an apartment with white walls, wooden trim, and a cool accent color. We decided to copy the picture in our apartment. Now two of our living room walls are painted.

A whole winter spent inside seems less gloomy now that we're surrounded by cheerful colorful walls.


jodi said...

this looks photoshopped.. haha i won't believe it until i see it! :D hmm now i kinda wanna paint my walls too! haha..

Unknown said...

We do have some extra paint!

K'Lann said...

awesome color!!! love it love it love it!! definitely cheerful!.. and love the beautiful family picture :)

Charles Grimm said...

Yeah, my team leaders tried this in Hengyang when I was there, but it was impossible due to the crumbly nature of the wall plaster. They eventually hired someone to do it for them for their baby's room :)
Looks very un-Chinese! haha

Unknown said...

Un-Chinese is great when it comes to my apartment. Our apartments are new so the walls haven't gained their crumbly nature.

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