October 11, 2011

Save green onions, save money?

As many people are saving green onion for winter because they are so cheap, our Chinese friend offered his opinion about the onions.

"To prepare for winter you must cut off all the green leaves, tie them up and store them. Then when you're ready to use them, you have to peel back more layers to get the part you can eat. Once you've done all this, you're probably paying the same price you would if you bought them in the winter."

For example, if onions now cost only 1 RMB per pound and you buy 12 pounds of onions you've spent 12 RMB. After you've peeled back all the old layers, you're left with only 4 pounds of edible onions. The actual cost is 3 RMB per pound. That's about what you'd have to pay in the winter for fresh green onions and you could eat the whole thing.

Which wins, practical math calculations or years of tradition?

"I buy the onions now, because my wife want them."

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